Thou Shalt!/Thou Shalt Not! (1983) 18'
cl(bcl)/perc/eorg/egtr/ [all instruments amplified]
cl(bcl)/perc/eorg/egtr/ [all instruments amplified]
Cast: S,T,B,cl(bcl),perc,egtr,pn,vn,va,vc,db
New York State Council on the Arts
cl(bcl),egtr,pn,perc,vn,va [all instruments amplified]
cl, pno, perc, egtr, vc, db
Road Trip was commissioned by BAM for the 2017 Next Wave Festival and by Stephen A. Block, Robert Braun & Joan Friedman, Leslie Lassiter, Raulee Marcus, New Music USA, Maria & Robert A. Skirnick, Jane and Richard Stewart, with additional support from Jerry Eberhardt and Phil Hettema.
2(2pic,2panpipe).00.3sx.0/0440/3kbd.acn.egtr.bgtr/perc/ + audio playback [all instruments amplified]
1020/1211/2perc/pf/egtr.eb/ [all instruments amplified]
Ensemble Modern
Elaine Kaufman Cultural Center
Yvar Mikhashoff
bcl, bsx, tbn, db (or any four low instruments); version also available for 4 bass clarinets
Cast: Ms, T, Bar, Bar/Ct; cl(bcl, cbcl, ssx)/perc/syn/egtr [all instruments and voices amplified]
Settembre Musica Festival and the city council of Turin, Italy, with additional support from the National Endowment for the Arts.