Anonymous Man (2017) 58'
SATB -- 24 voice min.
The Crossing, Donald Nally - conductor
SATB -- 24 voice min.
The Crossing, Donald Nally - conductor
Sop, 2 countertenors, small chor, DJ, baroque orch, egtr, eb, perc, synth [all instruments and voices amplified]
Dresden Festival
solo bassoon + horn).0.0.0/strings (playable on modern instruments)
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
2fl(2pic,2panpipe).ssx(tsx)+asx(barsx)/perc/3syn.acn/egtr.bgtr/ [all instruments amplified]
3(3pic).3.3.2ssx.0 2cbn/2442/2perc/egtr.ebgtr.4kbd/str [all instruments amplified]
Basel Sinfonietta and Europaischer Musikmonat 2001
six percussionists playing wooden simantras (2x4s) [all instruments amplified]
Club Guy and Roni, Slagwerk den Haag, Mantra Percussion, with support from The Nief Norf Project
string quartet
For the Kronos Quartet by the Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College. Additional project support was provided by the Argosy Foundation Contemporary Music Fund.
3 violins + audio playback [all instruments amplified]
7 bassoons
New Music Bassoon Fund